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  • HOME > Detailed > What are the symptoms of a broken car timing belt?
      What are the symptoms of a broken car timing belt?

      The symptoms of the broken car timing belt are: 1. Slight (small deviation) will cause the car to be weak and unable to fill the oil uphill; 2. If it is serious, the engine will not idle or the engine will tremble seriously at idle speed. When refueling, the exhaust pipe will make a blasting sound, and occasionally there will be refueling Dead Fire accompanied by the blasting sound; 3. When the car is running, it is easy to stall due to unstable idle speed, mainly due to blocked fuel valve and weak acceleration. When this problem occurs, if the throttle and other circuit components are eliminated, it is necessary to think about whether the timing problem occurs; 4. The engine suddenly stalls during driving. If you hear that the starter speed is very high and feel no compression when starting again, the timing belt is broken; 5. When accelerating, the engine tensioner makes abnormal noise or you hear abnormal noise at the engine pulley, you must pay attention to it.

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